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Client story

Reaping healthy testing services benefits from Capgemini’s Quality Engineering with ADMnext

Client: A global medical device and pharmaceutical company
Region: Global
Sector: Life Sciences, Healthcare, and Pharmaceuticals

How Capgemini brought a host of Automation, Cognitive QA, and SmartQA testing platform solutions to one of the world’s largest global medical device and pharmaceutical companies

Client Challenge: The company was looking to increase testing efficiency and completely transform its testing function to deliver better quality with Agile, Cloud, and DevSecOps solutions

Solution: The Capgemini team worked with the company to deploy automation, Cognitive QA, and SmartQA (CQA) testing platform solutions across multiple business towers and simplified and streamlined the testing and application landscape


  • 35% cost reduction
  • 80% acceleration of test times
  • Over 75% test automation
  • An average of 75% effort reduction in execution time
  • Increased automation coverage from 18% to 70%
  • 21 joint automation POCs completed

A global medical device and pharmaceutical company was looking to increase testing efficiency and completely transform its testing function to deliver quality with Agile, Cloud, DevSecOps solutions. The testing function contained 19 different vendors and the company was looking for one partner that could streamline this complex technology landscape and drive the frequent releases and continuous development needed to simplify its QA function. The company was also seeking a partner that could implement nextgen technology, touchless test automation, develop AI use cases for quality engineering, and get the QA function ready to deliver the best customer experience.

Healthy testing from Quality Engineering in Capgemini’s ADMnext

The company selected Capgemini to address all of these challenges and the team immediately got to work deploying everything that Capgemini’s Quality Engineering had to offer. The team began with the implementation of automation, Cognitive QA, and SmartQA (CQA) testing platform solutions across the company’s Medical Devices and R&D, Supply Chain, and Corporate business functions. Within Medical Devices and R&D, automated system testing for the company’s first Laboratory Informatics platform was delivered on a large scale.

The Capgemini team also helped the company expand its Supply Chain capabilities and provided a program of zero bugs across its Corporate function. The Smart QA (CQA) Platform provided a near real-time 360° view of quality assurance and engineering metrics across programs and projects. It also revealed gaps and suggested traceability between siloed tests and defects while providing comprehensive causal analysis for defect prevention. Meanwhile, the enablement of smart quality decision making on factual project data and actual usage patterns gave recommendations on what to test (prioritization of test cases), what to automate (selection of test cases for automation), and when to stop testing (defect prediction and release readiness).

Next, the company and Capgemini implemented the KBot solution, which delivered faster query resolution, on-boarding time reductions, and productivity enhancements. Capgemini’s NFT Hub delivered rapid performance test results and identified remedial solutions for problem detection and resolution. The team also gave the company the ability to dive deeper into performance observations and drive improved root-cause analysis. Additionally, Capgemini’s indicative effort savings initiative enabled a 56% reduction in effort.

Overall the end results of Capgemini’s ADMnext Quality Engineering deployment included:

  • 35% in cost reductions
  • 80% accelerated test times
  • Over 75% test automation
  • Comprehensive, on-time regulatory compliance
  • An average of 75% effort reduction in execution time
  • Increased automation coverage from 18% to 70%
  • 21 joint automation POCs completed
  • A substantially enhanced test automation framework with AI features.

A healthy future with Capgemini

Going forward, the company has dubbed 2022 a “Year of Inclusive Quality” and is keen to expand on all the benefits that the partnership with Capgemini has already provided. As the partners move from 2021 into 2022, the company is looking to implement zero-defect development, zero-touch testing, one storefront for quality tools and frameworks, collaborative quality governance driven by a smart command center, AI-based test automation, performance testing solutions, and SAP S/4 Hana business assurance.

Learn more about Capgemini’s ADMnext here.