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Client story

Capgemini Czech Republic rises to the banking challenge with M24

Client: Banking clients
Region: Europe
Sector: Banking

We have been supporting our banking clients with an integrated platform positioned between core banking systems and distribution channels.


Banks are facing numerous challenges today: new regulations to comply with (PSD2, GDPR), tough competition, pressure on delivering the right customer experience, and constantly evolving technologies and business models (Open Economy).

In addition, banks are constantly being expected to come up with new innovations in financial technologies. A lot of current banking IT systems meet the business requirements either at high costs, or not at all. High internal complexity is the most frequent reason for this. Moreover, IT systems do not usually enable 24/7 availability, and client data is inconsistent, unreliable and unsystematically spread across the whole bank ecosystem.


The basic condition for success in such a competitive environment is the ability to respond to customer requests fast and flexibly, solve the requests coming in across all communication channels, and provide clients with up-to-date and correct data (payments, balances, application states).

Thanks to our M24 platform, this is exactly what we have been doing to help our clients in the banking industry. The platform represents a solid basis for the introduction of financial technology innovations, and delivers end-to-end embedded software for all feature domains of the clusters: booting, diagnostics, graphics, communications, IC applications, safety and security features.


By providing our clients with the ability to respond swiftly and correctly to their business requirements, we are helping drive their success in an increasingly competitive financial services market.