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Engineering and R&D trends

What leaders think – strategies for a fast changing world

How are 300 leaders at global engineering and R&D companies planning for the future?

Our new research sets out to answer these questions, providing insight into how the world’s biggest engineering companies are thinking about the biggest global challenges.

  • What are their strategic priorities?
  • Where do they see the biggest macro-economic challenges?
  • How are they reconciling long-term business direction with sustainability imperatives?
  • How are they thinking about digital technologies?
  • What’s holding back their ability to innovate?
  • How are they repivoting global and outsourced operations?
Click to read Engineering and R&D Trends

We have entered the next era of digital transformation. This is characterized by a growing convergence of product, software, data, and services across all industries. At Capgemini we call this ‘Intelligent Industry’.

Our leadership

Fredrik Nyberg

Managing Director Capgemini Engineering Nordics
Fredrik Nyberg is a Business Executive with more than 20 years of experience within R&D, Engineering and Digital Services. He has experience from various CEO and Managing Director positions and has managed both smaller specialized companies as well as larger multi-geografic organizations.

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