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Enterprise management

Windows Virtual Desktop: Now More Relevant than Ever

We need connectedness now more than ever. Tune in to this interesting conversation around virtual desktop solutions for remote working.

Windows Virtual desktop seems to be a particularly interesting potential desktop solution for organizations to continue to work remotely in these unprecedented times. 

Listen to our expert Gary Taylor  as he speaks to our partners,  Jim Moyle from Microsoft and James Shore from IGEL  on current market scenario, and how one can enable remote workers at scale using cloud-based virtual desktops. In this interesting  Podcast you will also learn:

  • Microsoft Windows Virtual desktop solution – the new business imperative ?
  • How IGEL supports the Virtual Desktop through End Point Solution?
  • How Microsoft and IGEL are addressing security concerns of customers?
  • What is Microsoft’s vision for managing installed software on Windows Virtual desktop?
  • Main challenges for customers adopting Windows Virtual desktop.