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Cloud Assessment – building the right roadmap

Companies that move to SaaS environments can adopt new technologies into their core business processes quicker than companies leveraging their legacy on-premise ERP platforms.

With the increase in solution options, companies need to understand business imperatives, core requirements, security considerations and operating models, as well as the roadmap for deployment and benefits realisation plans.

Capgemini’s ERP Cloud Advisory

Capgemini’s ERP Cloud Advisory leverages our experience in delivering benefits focused solutions across multi-cloud deployments, and offers a highly collaborative fact-based analysis to produce:

  • Structured and well-defined business objective to accelerate organizational goals
  • Alignment of internal teams to a target roadmap
  • A clear outcome-driven case to jumpstart assessment with a Cloud POC

Meet our experts

Tawana Dyer

Global Oracle Partner Executive, Capgemini
ERP Cloud Advisory, Intelligent Cloud Operations, Manufacturing Advantage – SCM, Transformative HR -HCM

David Mobbs

Expert in SaaS Solution architecture
Passionate about value creation using a judicious mix of technology and design-thinking led innovation program to drive strategic solutions and real business outcomes, my key focus always remains on the user experience and business metrics for our customers.

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