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The Prince’s Trust Partnership

Capgemini has been partners with the UK’s largest youth charity, The Prince’s Trust for more than 20 years. The Prince’s Trust supports young people between the ages of 11-30 to build their confidence and skills to find employment

We spoke to Ben Marson, Director of Partnerships – Corp/Government from The Prince’s Trust to hear more about the partnership and it’s impact.

On the Partnership:

Capgemini has been a valued partner of The Prince’s Trust since 1999. Together we have supported thousands of young people through a variety of programmes and projects.

As a business, Capgemini has supported our work directly with over £2.3 million towards these initiatives, with a focus on mentoring and build digital skills for the future. Our current Level Up pilot in Manchester is an example of this, the innovative programme takes young people who have an interest in technology and digital but don’t yet have any experience and aims to support underrepresented talent to take their first steps towards a job in the industry. Together, we have created a programme that offers valuable insight into industries as diverse as film and radio production, coding, and even game design.

Capgemini becomes the Future Steps sponsor:

As Future Steps sponsor, Capgemini has used its digital expertise to provide invaluable development and design support for the Future Steps app itself. Working alongside our digital team, Capgemini’s team of digital innovators and junior talent has made improvements to this year’s app, with a focus on inclusiveness and user design, to make it the slickest yet. The project has been a fantastic development opportunity for these talented Capgemini juniors, accelerating their learning and providing practical project delivery experience.

How are Capgemini team members getting involved?

Capgemini’s people-first approach feeds into every aspect of our partnership, from the app team through to the hundreds of dedicated volunteers that work directly with our young people. Over the years, Capgemini has helped co-develop courses such as our Future Leaders course, run programmes such as Get Started with Digital and supported longstanding initiatives, such as the Team Programme. Capgemini’s impact goes far beyond raw numbers. Due to their hands on approach, Capgemini volunteers have even spotted talented individuals who have gone on to gain employment within the company.

Capgemini’s employees have also rallied behind this partnership over many years to volunteer and fundraise. From record-breaking Palace to Palace teams to sustainable fashion shows and entrepreneurial flair in our annual Million Makers competition, its employees have raised well over one million pounds for young people in the UK.

Of the partnership, Capgemini’s Managing Director in the UK, Paul Margetts, said:
“At Capgemini, nurturing the next generation of talent to build digital skills for the future is a priority for us. For this project we have a focus on upskilling individuals while also helping the Prince’s Trust build their own digital capabilities.

The Prince’s Trust is a key partnership for Capgemini. We are delighted to build on our longstanding relationship through sponsoring Future Steps and supporting with the development of the App. We are looking forward to its launch, taking part and also enhancing and evolving the App’s functionality in the years to come”.