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Intelligent Industry for Manufacturing featuring AWS

The way products, and services are designed, manufactured, and consumed is driving game-changing business models and redefining value chains.

In every industry, companies must find smarter ways to compete and meet customer expectations in three ways:

  • Designing now for the next generation where digital is embedded.
  • Gain an unfair advantage by optimisation in increasingly complex value chains.
  • Breakthrough in environmental sustainability, while finding small wins.

Companies are seeking to control more of their destiny – and digital allows for that – by paving the way for direct relationships with customers. That’s not new. The status quo is to embed data, cloud, software, and silicon into vertical offers – which is now business as usual. What is relatively new is the full appreciation that enterprises with physical products and field operations must quickly scale technology and innovation for broader adoption. Long, drawn-out transformations are outdated. Instead, companies are now forced to “just do it.”