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Growth strategy

The era of purely analytical strategy is over. Modern strategy demands the interplay of analytics and visionary creativity to shape, assess and activate possible futures.

Strategy’s endgame hasn’t changed. It’s still about sustainable, profitable growth. But competitive landscapes are transforming in real time – growing more dynamic by the day, with blurred category boundaries and a drumbeat of new entrants. Traditional approaches to strategy weren’t built for this world.

Addressing these new realities requires a marriage of deep analytics with a forward-looking inventive mindset, powerful design tools, cultural bravery, and rigorous assessment of potential growth investments.

Our approach begins with deep exploration of emerging human needs, assets you can leverage to meet them, and your financial and operational realities. Together we go on an inspiring journey to shape, assess and prioritise high value growth opportunities – from market-changing products, services and experiences, to new channels, potential acquisitions, new business models or org structures.

“We’re in the business of creating the future. Data and analysis ground us in the truths of the world as it is today, but we can’t deduce what doesn’t yet exist. We need to pair our deductive thinking with inductive hypotheses to create a new type of ROI—return on imagination.”

Courtney Pace, Head of frog Strategy NA, frog

What we do

Shape new strategic direction for sustainable, profitable growth

To compete and win in a world without walls, you need a growth vision with an inventive perspective that looks beyond current realities, creatively envisions what comes next, is backed by data, and ignites tangible, high-impact growth initiatives.

We’re in the business of helping our client partners shape the future they want. Forward-looking strategies born of high-order creative and analytical capabilities set that transformation in motion.

Define, dimensionalise and prioritise an array of strategic opportunity areas.

Great choices come from great options. Combining an outside-in view of emerging market dynamics with an inside-out view of your assets and goals, we define an inspiring set of winnable opportunities, assess their upside and risk, and map them on time horizons, equipping you to aim your resources at the ripest opportunities, and march across the gameboard over time.

Solving the conundrum of build, buy, venture or partner

It’s no secret. Growth beyond the core can be accelerated and de-risked by plugging in assets from the outside, rather than building them.

Our unique depth of experience across the domains of growth strategy, innovation, venturing, partnering and M&A can help you orchestrate these unhelpfully siloed disciplines, navigate the build/buy/venture/partner divide, and more holistically assess the upside of M&A targets, so you’re buying more than last year’s balance sheet.


frog, part of Capgemini Invent, drives customer-centric transformations at scale through innovative and human-centric design work.

Client stories from frog

Resetting Company Strategy for a Disrupted Market.

Developed a growth strategy to overcome the limitations of the powersports category.

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