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Data warehouse cloud: Demystified

Soumyadeep Guha
29 Jun 2022

What is SAP Data Warehouse Cloud?

SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) is a unified end to end Software-as-a-Service data and analytics cloud solution that includes data integration, database and data warehouse & analytics capabilities. Using one single cloud-based data warehouse, you can wrap together high-volume data (from SAP and non-SAP systems), spread across on premise or cloud. This data can be structured or unstructured, requiring real-time streaming or batch, or any offline business data and the powerful SAP HANA Database will allow business users to have a single view of the enterprise data.

Key Benefits of SAP DWC

  • Self-Service data modeling for business users: Enabling business users with easy self-service drag and drop data modelling features. Providing data governance & lineage for business users.
  • No more Data Silos: Moving away from data silos in offline files – easy data creation using flat files, converting offline data into enterprise level data and making it reusable to all IT and business users. Combining governed business data with third-party data.
  • End-to-End data warehousing & analytical tool: Offering data integration and harmonisation, data analytics provides a consolidated view of business data across the enterprise. Users can leverage SQL skills to query data.

There are 5 main components to the architecture:

  1. Sources. Bring your data from various sources (On Premise or Cloud)
Source Types in SAP DWC
Source: Capgemini

2. Integrate. Various connections available with features like creating remote tables or creations of data flows.

Connections in SAP DWC Source: Capgemini

3. Operate. Space is a virtual work environment which can be dedicated to any line of business. Spaces bring agility to various business requirements by quickly creating a separate space and onboarding business users for any ad-hoc analysis

Space in SAP DWC Source: Capgemini

4. Manage. Data Builder is the app for joining the data sets together, making a foundational structure for reporting.

Data builder in SAP DWC Source: Capgemini

Business Builder is an application decoupled from data layer allowing business users to access the data layer resulting in well-defined business contexts and relationships.

Business Builder in SAP DWC Source: Capgemini

5. Use. Reporting can be done on artefacts created on data builder (analytical data set) as well as business builder, using live connection from SAP analytics cloud or any non-sap reporting tools.

Reporting in SAC using Live connection with SAP DWC

BW Bridge

The SAP BW Bridge allows customers to reuse, migrate and convert their existing models, transformations and customisations in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud to accelerate data-to-value and capitalise on the existing experience with SAP BW.

Source: SAP

UKISUG Analytics Symposium

The event held at THE VOX, BIRMINGHAM, 5th April 2022.

At this Analytics Symposium, Team Capgemini presented Data Warehouse Cloud: Demystified – an end-to-end demo of DWC.

During this demo, we gave an introduction of the landing page of DWC which includes SAP Data Warehouse Cloud Resources, recently visited files and all the applications accessible from a single web-based page. For integration demo, we created connections to SAP S4, SAP BW, OData, Amazon S3 and a Flat File.

In the Data Builder, we prepared the data creating dimension & analytical data set. Using Business Builder, we created business entities (analytical dataset). The business entity was then exposed using consumption model and was used to create a dashboard in SAC using a live connection.

Finally to wrap up, DWC creates an environment for both business users and enterprise IT to work in parallel to connect to enterprise and third-party data sources. A platform which delivers versatility and scalability, but also one that enables both business and IT professionals to integrate data with ease and deliver informed decision-making analytics. It overcomes the core business challenge of making data available in a timely manner and combines enterprise data with third-partly data sources like social media (LinkedIn, Instagram) or internal data in flat files, etc. For a demo speak to our experts in Capgemini about how to take the step into cloud data warehousing with SAP DWC.