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Managing Complexity in the Age of 5G

Previous generations of mobile networks (2G, 3G, and 4G) were built for consumer voice and data services, but 5G networks are being built to support a variety of use cases to deliver multi-gigabit enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) services to consumers and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) and massive machine-type communications (mMTC) use cases for other industry verticals. But are Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) ready for the transition?

Traditional service management and operational solutions were designed for static physical networks. They are simply not intelligent enough to address the complexities of 5G networking. MNOs need a transformation strategy that will take them into the future.

In our new Telcom Transformation report, we at Capgemini Invent examine the varying demands of 5G networking, such as service dynamicity, Quality of Service (QoS) and latency requirements. We analyze the challenges MNOs will face in the immediate future and make recommendations on how to capitalize on the digital transformation of entire industries and enterprises. Find out which key capabilities MNOs will need to foster to make the successful transition to an organization with intelligent operations.


As part of Capgemini, Invent has over 50 years of experience in cutting-edge connectivity. Our people-centric approach is supported by innovative data solutions and technology. As an organization with 11,500 offices in 21 countries across 5 continents, we recognize the need to implement emerging communications technology as early as possible. 5G networking and intelligent operations are a key part of the transformations organizations must now make. We work with our partners to make such transformations possible.

Thought Leadership

Telecom Transformation:

The Need for Intelligent Operations – Managing Complexity in the Age of 5G

The fifth-generation technology standard for cellular networks – 5G – is a revolution with the potential to transform mobile network operators…

Contact Our Experts

Pierre Fortier

VP, Future of Technology, Capgemini Invent
“5G holds tremendous value for virtually every vertical industry, and its application will prompt significant changes to the customer experience, operating model, end-to-end processes, core capabilities, and solutions across sectors. These changes will require Telcos to reinvent their business in order to support new ways of working.”