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Welcome to the metaverse

We are poised at the start of a new digital experience – the metaverse.

Accelerating the convergence of the physical and digital worlds, the metaverse will offer a multitude of new ways for us all to experience things differently – whether at work, home, or play.

The metaverse represents the next stage of the Internet, enabling billions of people to connect in virtual worlds, experiencing real-life feelings.  These public and private decentralized 3D virtual spaces will deliver online digital CX (customer experience) and EX (employee experience), generated by a sense of presence and space, speech, gesture, touch and even smell.

But these are not just spaces to socialize, play games, and shop. Perhaps the platform’s greatest longer-term value is that it will give businesses the potential to build personalized and sustained relationships with customers, and develop immersive experiences for employees, helping them to work more efficiently, collaborate more effectively with colleagues, and attract and retain scarce talent.

However, the industrial metaverse represents a significant opportunity to improve the operational, manufacturing and supply chain processes throughout a product’s lifecycle. It’s a strategic economic shift that will generate new business potential in every sector.

Some forward-thinking clients are already starting to explore how they can use these technologies to create a competitive market advantage. One example is Airbus, with its HeroX/Airbus Metaverse Challenge, set up to explore virtual reality’s future in air travel. Capgemini’s submission – Airbus Square – was the winning concept – a virtual town square “bringing to life new experiences, turning the ‘future of flight’ into a brand-new passenger experience.”

Another client, Tommy Hilfiger Brazil, part of one of the world’s leading designer lifestyle brands globally, has worked with Capgemini,  to create a digital ecosystem from scratch for its national sales convention and to drive sales for its upcoming designs and improve customer engagement.  We worked closely with the retailer, on everything –  from identifying the right immersive spaces to managing the event in the metaverse. The result:  greater awareness of the season’s designs with clients, accelerated sales, and a personalized consumer journey. Read the full story here.

     We set up our Metaverse-Lab to work on client challenges like this; proactively helping to shape and execute clients’ metaverse strategies on various horizons, and to coordinate innovative solutions around the world.   Capgemini has partnered with Unity, a leading provider of real-time 3D (RT3D) solutions and strong software capabilities. Together we are carrying out R&D, provide our clients with state-of-the-art immersive experience solutions, and deliver on end-to-end client projects.

Now is the time for businesses to understand the practical application of the Metaverse and how to explore its future potential. Experience things differently.

None of this would be possible without a complex interconnection of next-gen technologies – the building blocks of the extended metaverse.

Not the 2D web of today, the immersivity of virtual experiences in the metaverse will be in three dimensions, based on an open network of decentralized 3D virtual and hybrid spaces, independent of place, time, or device.

To create this holistic environment, we’ll bring together and interconnect a number of critical enabling technologies. We’ll see convergence between immersive, real-time 3D, AI, ML, IoT (Internet of things) and digital twins, and decentralized blockchain-related technologies – Web3, new asset classes such as NFTs (non-fungible tokens), cryptocurrencies, DeFi (decentralized finance), smart contracts, and DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations).

These true-rendering multi-dimensional spaces, and advanced AI algorithms, will generate a magnitude of data being collected and digested in real-time from anywhere and everywhere. And so the computing and networking layers, including cloud-computing, edge-computing and next-gen mobile networks (5G, 6G), will play a critical role in delivering those experiences at scale. The cybersecurity layer will also be leveraged to design hack-proof solutions and ensure authentication, security, and confidentiality of personal data.

Incorporating these layers of technology into an organization’s infrastructure will require significant skills in architecture design, implementation at scale, interoperability, and integration.

Partnering with Unity – a leader in real-time 3D solutions

Our partnership with Unity will enable connected, interactive, immersive experiences in the metaverse, for any industry.

What we do

Strengthening customer engagement, loyalty, and a brand’s value.

How do companies make a connection that drives the much sought-after brand loyalty and, critically, helps them deliver the best CX to outperform competitors? One route is to create immersive customer experiences. These are contextually relevant, multi-sensory experiences enabled by the right combination of flat, natural, and extended-reality interfaces and sensor technologies that create emotional and intuitive value for people.

Increasingly valued in consumer products, retail, fashion, luxury, and also entertainment, sport and events, we are helping to build virtual spaces to promote NFT-driven virtual or physical goods and services. These spaces increase consumer’s loyalty, reach new audiences, build the brand reputation, and virtually test products before producing them in the real life. One such client example is fashion brand Tommy Hilfiger Brazil, where we built from scratch an entire universe for their national sales convention 2022 – delivering increased engagement with consumers and a direct connect to their designs. Capgemini can help you deliver richer-quality immersive experiences

Providing a human and immersive workplace and collaboration spaces.

Just as delivering positive emotional outcomes drives loyalty with customers, it can also increase retention and engagement among employees. Work/life balance, empowerment, and confidence are all positives that an employee wants. And pain avoidance comes in the guise of faster learning, better retention, and better focus.
In this age of working from home, it is more important to prevent employees from becoming disconnected and demotivated.  An immersive experience strategy can make employees feel included from the start, maintaining team spirit and helping retain scarce staff.  So, businesses should consider integrating metaverse solutions from hiring, onboarding, to learning and development, and in fostering collaborative teamwork.  
We can help you improve the employee experience with more efficient operations, lead time reduction, and reduced risks, and training time, all leading to increased employee recruiting and retention. 

Using metaverse technologies to achieve operational excellence in the industrial workplace.

We see a very significant opportunity for using metaverse capabilities in a variety of sectors, including construction, engineering, manufacturing and supply chains. As part of our Intelligent Industry concept, we combine the collaboration of the next-gen digital twins at various levels, the internet of twins, with the development of realistic and immersive remote virtual interactions, leveraging IoT and AI.
This means we’ll be able to recreate the feeling of being on site or in the workplace, facilitating design, simulation, testing, training, or even remote operations. It will provide more realistic collaboration with colleagues in different locations, as well as capabilities to remotely interact with machinery, various assets, and environments.
Before investing budget and diving into the digital version of a physical world, it’s important to explore and visualize the type of experiences the organization should deliver that could enhance key stages in an operational supply chain. Capgemini can help companies understand the options including workplace visualization and design, health and safety training, and work team collaboration. 

Building an open, state-of-the-art, end-to-end metaverse.

Combining the range of technologies, and linking into the decentralized environment of, say, the blockchain, requires orchestration and a well thought through technical architecture that is robust, consistent and flexible to accommodate the changes that are inevitable as technologies, such as Web3, develop and mature.

As a leading systems integrator, Capgemini has significant expertise in IT strategy and implementation, cloud services, understanding how to scale up breakthrough technologies and innovations.  A depth of industry-specific experience means that we build sector-specific solutions that meet regulatory requirements and are relevant to market needs.  

Points of view and podcasts

Cracking the code of musical creativity with NFTs

If playing music is akin to writing code, will music NFTs be the codebreaker the industry needs to transform? Find out in our podcast.

    Building brands with NFTs

    NFTs are changing the game – literally, in tennis terms – but we’re only at the start of the journey. Find out more in our podcast.

      From bull to bear in the DeFi crypto market

      After a rocky period in the world of cryptocurrency, what next for the decentralized finance (DeFi) market? Find out in our podcast.

        Expert perspectives

        Inside stories: Beyond the horizon

        We speak to three Capgemini colleagues exploring new technologies – Web 3.0, NFTs, and the metaverse – and ask them how a culture of innovation creates the space to experiment and learn.

        Meet our experts

        Kary Bheemaiah

        Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO), Capgemini Invent & Co-Lead of the Metaverse-Lab
        Kary is Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Capgemini Invent where he helps to define the business and sectorial implications of emerging technologies that are of strategic importance to Capgemini’s clients. Kary informs go-to-market implementation plans, aids in the creation of new client-specific solutions & services and contributes to thought leadership on innovative technologies. He further connects the world of emerging technology to all Capgemini Invent practices, clients, and sectors.

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